MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2004


5:30 P.M.

Convened: 5:33 PM

Adjourned: 6:06 PM


Present Were:     Chairperson Juan A. Gomez

                             Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes

                             Councillor Dennis L. Irish, Arrived at 5:50 PM


Also:                     Karen Greenwood, Veterans Agent

                             Robert Antonelli, Acting Commissioner of Parks

                             Lisa M. Thomas, Assistant City Clerk


Communications of the City Manager


1.       Relative to number of city Employees that are on Active Duty Status.

#14A CM December 17, 2002

Recommend File


2.                 Relative to Listing of Veteran's Clinics and Hospitals located throughout New England.

#28A CM January 7, 2003

Recommend File


          Speakers:   Frances Elliot

                             Herbert Adams

                             Ralph Simkonis


Chairman’s Order request Administration explore the possibility of grants from the Health Foundation and Fallon Clinic for facilitating transportation of Veterans to the clinics and workout logistics.


3.                 Relative to reception to welcome back employees who have been on active duty in the military.

#28B CM January 7, 2003

Recommend File


4.                 Relative to Health Services provided to Veterans in the Ten Largest Cities in New England.

#28A CM February 11, 2003

Recommend File


5.                 Relative to appointing a full-time director of Veterans Services.

#27A CM September 30, 2003

Recommend File


6.                 Request adoption of an ordinance amendment governing the location and relocation of Veterans Memorials on the public streets, sidewalks, and traffic islands of the city.

#15A CM October 28, 2003

Recommend Passage of the accompanying Proposed Ordinance (Report in City Council under Suspension of the Rules April 27, 2004)


7.                 Relative to Ordinance governing Veterans Memorials – Highway Projects.

#15A CM November 18, 2003

Recommend File


8.                 Relative to Veterans Square Memorial Relocation.

#18D CM January 13, 2004

Recommend Approval


Speaker:     Richard Bayrouty, 41 Hickory Dr.


Chairman’s Order request Administration define relocation criteria of memorials and particularly the Veterans Square Memorial.




9.       Robert Stake request to relocate Stake Sq. Veterans Memorial from corner of Ames and Stockton Streets across the street diagonally to grassy plot next to park.  Petitioner to pay relocation costs.

          #11 CC November 18, 2003

          Recommend Approval